
The Remarkable Evolution of Tyler Renz: A Journey from Prodigy to MLB Draft Pick

The Remarkable Evolution of Tyler Renz: A Journey from Prodigy to MLB Draft Pick

The evolution of Tyler Renz is a testament to the hard work and dedication he's shown from an extremely young age. Tyler was the second-ever evaluation in the history of Velo University, starting his journey at just 13 years old. His story highlights not only his remarkable talent but also the importance of beginning focused training early.

Tyler Renz, VeloU Evaluation; 2020

From the start, Tyler stood out as a gifted thrower with a special arm. At 13, we began developing a solid training foundation, focusing on movement patterns, throwing techniques, and strength development in the weight room. Tyler made steady, positive progress in his initial off-seasons while maintaining his strength gains and arm health during the in-season periods.

The significant leap in Tyler's development came in the off-season of his junior year of high school. During his first Velo Pen session that year, he astonished everyone by hitting a 93.3 MPH fastball, a 6 MPH increase from his previous best. This memorable day was marked by a packed building full of MLB scouts, with Tyler's bullpen session sandwiched between those of Boston Flannery (UNC) and James Raidt (Duke). Tyler, the young underdog, took the mound after Boston’s impressive 97 MPH throws. Tyler's first pitch was 89 MPH, setting a new personal record. He then hit 90, 91, 92, and finally 93.3 MPH. This remarkable performance put Tyler on the map, transforming him from an unknown to a name everyone recognized.

Tyler's growth at Velo University extended beyond his athletic abilities. One of the coolest parts of Tyler’s growth has come from a social and mental maturity standpoint. The camaraderie with fellow athletes, the mentorship from coaches, and the constant presence of a community has played a crucial role in his personal development. Tyler has evolved from a shy, quiet kid into a respectable young adult with social skills that can communicate effectively, build relationships, and carry himself with confidence—attributes that have been just as vital to his success as his physical training. 

Fast forward to today, Tyler has completed a phenomenal high school career at Fox Lane, with 144.1 innings pitched, a 19-3 record, a 1.21 ERA, a .167 batting average against, and 224 strikeouts with  just 40 walks. His dedication and consistent excellence have earned him a spot as a professional baseball player with the Milwaukee Brewers.

Tyler’s journey to excellence stems from his unwavering commitment to his craft and the consistency he has maintained over time. If his journey so far is any indication, Tyler Renz is more than ready to take on whatever comes next.